Timeless Digital Feed - Manifesto 👨‍💻

Hi there,

Welcome to my new newsletter: Timeless Digital Feed!

You may be thinking, another newsletter? Why on earth should I care?!

That's a fair point. I know your time is limited and you want to avoid wasting it on another newsletter that you just skim and archive, but this one is different.


Well for starters, everything I share will be practical and thoughtful, with action packed guides to help you:

👨‍💻 Learn new skills

⏳ Become more productive

📈 Grow in your career / business

🤔 Think about things in a different way

What are some examples of content we'll cover?

The main topics we'll be practically covering will include:

  • Digital Marketing

  • Business Intelligence & Business Growth

  • No Code & Coding

  • eCommerce & Selling Online

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Digital Careers

  • Productivity

  • Book Reviews

  • Mental Models

  • Lifelong Learning

and more!

If this sounds like something you're interested in, welcome aboard.

What do you have to lose? It's free and you're welcome to unsubscribe at any point if you no longer find it valuable.

The first issue I'll be sending next week, will be a guide on How to make money online.

Hope to see you inside!