How to write AI articles that rank for SEO

Is it possible?

With AI you can now write articles in seconds! The million-dollar question is, can you use AI to write articles that rank on Google and get you organic traffic through SEO? The answer is a resounding, sort of if you know what to do.

Let me explain.

❓How SEO works

There are literally thousands of indicators that search engines look at to determine how an article should be ranked, but if I were to summarize the most important one it would be: does your page answer the user’s search query? 

In other words, is it “useful content”.

🔍 Detecting AI

It seems search engines like Google actually don’t care if content is AI-generated or not!

In fact, Google actually encourages AI in some cases, “AI has the ability to power new levels of expression and creativity, and to serve as a critical tool to help people create great content for the web.”

So for the most part, Google either ignores or doesn’t care if content is AI-generated or assisted as long as it is useful to users.

📝 How to create useful AI content for SEO

Here is my quick guide on how to create useful SEO content using AI.

This could be a whole workshop, and I know people have other methods, but this workflow works for me:

  1. Find target keywords you want to rank for. I recommend using and Google Keyword Planner (built into Google ads). I would find at least 3-5 keywords you want to rank for as a cluster.

  2. Answer those questions with your title. This is where you can use AI. For example, if you could just use ChatGPT and say, “come up with 10 SEO titles that would rank for these keywords…” (using the main keyword you want to rank for, or add all 3-5 keywords), and choose the one you think is the most relevant.

  3. Create an outline. Write a prompt to create an outline based on all the 3-5 keywords you chose “Write an outline for an SEO-optimized article with the title from the previous step and the following keywords…"

  4. Write the article (in your style). The next thing I would do is have it write the article in my own writing style. There are different ways to do this, the simplest one is just to paste something into ChatGPT that you already wrote before (something at least a few hundred words long), and tell it to write in your style. Your prompt could be “Based on the outline generated, write a 2,000 word article on “x” with the below writing style:….” . Then paste your writing sample at the end.

With the recent updates to ChatGPT, there is no longer an artificial word limit (which used to limit artciles to about 500 words), so now it should write longer articles (2,000 words) no problem!

🖌️ Final Touches

If you really want to increase the chances your article will do well, I would also recommend a few more things. 90% of people who create AI content don’t do these steps, so they’ll instantly make you stand out.

  • Change the hook (beginning sentence) and the closing paragraph. I found those are usually the weakest and most “AI” sounding.

  • Use a tool to remove any common AI sentence structures (Undetectable AI).

  • Add some personality to it! Of course proofread it and change anything you think could be phrased better, but also add an image or two from Midjourney and a short video summary using a tool like Fliki.AI (this would make your article rank on video search results too).

  • For varied results, consider using other AI writing tools besides ChatGPT, like Claude.

I hope that was helpful! Again, there are many ways to do this, but this is just what I found works for me. There is even a way to automate this with the OpenAI API (I might save that for a future post 👀).

Stay tuned for my next newsletter, where I’ll get into why I still passionately believe in web3.

✌️ Until the next one,
